I want and am in need.
I have no one to feed me in green pastures.
I have no rest.
I have no one to lead me to quiet waters.
I am thirsty.
I have no one to restore my anxious and despairing soul.
I find no one to guide me in right ways.
I don’t know where to turn.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, evil surrounds me.
I am terribly afraid for no one is with me to comfort me.
I have no feast prepared for me.
I am overwhelmed by my enemies.
No one anoints my wounds or fills my cup.
My cup is empty.
All the days of my life are filled with disappointments and deceit.
I have no home for eternity.
Will I dwell in an evil house forever?
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Sadly, many are content to throw some tracts at the lost and hope they are literate, or finance a plan to beam a satellite image of some televangelist on a golden throne and hope tribal folk will convert. Living, crying, suffering, enjoying, befriending and laughing is the plan Jesus lived and asks us to follow.
But I gave everything, left security and My comforts that you might have life. Why then do you, who call yourselves by My Name, refuse to rescue the perishing? Why do so many Christians honor Me with their lips, but refuse to imitate Me with their lives?