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It's Time


It's Time

Sometimes we are unaware we are under oppression, until we come up for air. It’s an atmosphere, an energy, a tone of voice, a manner interaction.


Election Day Baby

Election Day Baby

I have watched brother turn against brother in this season, Christians saying all manner of evil against one another, using the extreme soundbites of “heretic” and “apostate” to identify who is “in” and who is “out” due to their political leanings. The claim in both camps being that “God is on our side.”




“If you want to go to church, you should go over to Joe’s Addiction. They accept prostitutes, junkies, tattoos and piercings. They’ll take anyone.”


Elisa Padilla says it strongly here:

Elisa Padilla says it strongly here:

“If your gospel is only about yourself, your spirit, your converts, and your words, and in practice your highest loyalty is to your flag . . .

my current thoughts on being born again


my current thoughts on being born again

Being “born again” means starting over and coming into the world as something new, something different. It’s a total overhaul, an extreme makeover that gives us a complet
ely new outlook on life. It means a revolution of values


Foolish Foolish Romantics

Foolish Foolish Romantics

but, what about what we’ve been taught all our lives: Jesus could come back tonight. He could come back any minute, and you must be ready. as a child, this doctrine put the fear of the Lord in me. i grew up watching movies, “thief in the night,” and “distant thunder,” and listening to the song, “i wish we’d all been ready.” many were the times i came home from school to an empty house and wondered if i had been “left behind.”