Carl wrote this letter to his dad this week. I thought you’d enjoy seeing more of the journey he is on!!

Dear Dad:

This day has been so blessed.  I went to work and found out that I am scheduled to work Monday =>  Thursday.  However, I discovered also that when we, as a company, reach certain numbers they have a catered lunch and employee bingo.  They play 20 games, it costs nothing, and if you achieve BINGO…you win $75.00!  I didn’t win, but it was fun and I did have a hot lunch.

The real blessings came when I walked into Joe’s (where I am now) this morning.  There was a box with my name on it full of Shampoo, disposable razors, shaving cream, soap, and other toiletries for the guys at Hand up.  Then, when I walked in here about an hour ago Jessi, one of the women here, grabbed me and took me next door.  It was full of food for the guys, as well as gloves for them!

Why, Dad, has God blessed me so?  Why has he provided this bounty and made me his wheelbarrow?  What did I ever do to deserve this but spend a life denying him?  I don’t understand it, but I am bare and humbled before this glory and bounty.  I can only prove I am deserving by placing my life at his disposal, serving him in my life and work.  I feel I am beginning to do so.  I know he put me here for this reason.  He knew I was waiting for him to show me what was before me for so long.  “Chris, you have always wanted to help others.  Well, here they are, and here you are.  I have placed you here.  Teach as you were born to do and lift up the spirits of these men.  I will take care of the rest.”

I know I must also relate this bounty to others.  I will tell my students, and perhaps this will inspire them to use all of the tools I hope to give them.

I Love You,


(Carl is not his real name.)